My Mom, who passed away years ago, was alive in this dream. She was working at a Dunkin Donuts even though she was a Military officer during her lifetime. She had an ex come back into her life who treated her horribly, even though there was someone there who would have loved her but she just regarded him as a friend. It hurt me to see someone treat her badly, but there was nothing I could do. I had an old apartment that I didn't live in, but kept a whole bunch of junk in. I never paid the rent on it so it was finally up for eviction and me, my Mom and her new boyfriend went to the apartment to clean it out. There was nothing there that I wanted to keep except my childhood teddy bears that were kept safe high on a shelf. Everything else was dirty and smelly. I took the teddy bears off the shelf and left the apartment behind.
This dream appears to be a reflection of your emotions and unresolved feelings regarding your late mother, as well as elements of your own life.
The presence of your mother working at Dunkin Donuts, despite being a Military officer during her lifetime, may suggest that you are envisioning a different or unexpected version of her in this dream. This could represent a desire for her presence or a need for her comfort in your life, even if it is in an unconventional form.
The re-emergence of an ex who treated her poorly may symbolize unresolved issues or trauma from the past that still affect you. It could also represent a fear of history repeating itself, where you feel helpless and unable to protect your mother from harm. This could be a reflection of your longing for justice and a healthier relationship for her.
The old apartment filled with junk represents aspects of your past or your subconscious mind that you have neglected or left behind. The fact that you did not pay rent and the apartment was up for eviction may indicate a sense of neglect or abandonment in your own life.
The childhood teddy bears that you choose to keep safe high on a shelf symbolize sentimental and cherished memories from your past. Although everything else in the apartment was deemed unimportant, these bears hold emotional significance and represent a connection to your innocence and comfort.
Overall, this dream suggests that you may still be processing the loss of your mother and the unresolved feelings associated with her departure. It may also reflect your own personal struggles with neglect or abandonment in certain aspects of your life.